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Children parties
Buffet menu
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Lunch boxes

Buffet Fantastico

Buffet menu

We can provide Office parties and Buffets which suit everyone's taste and budget. We supply four types of buffets.

If you do not see what you want please contact us with your own Menu selection


We have various components to suit everyone's taste and budget.

You can choose from Baguettes/ Rolls/ Sandwiches/ Bagels/ Chapatti/ Wraps and different filling


Children parties
Party food for all ages, wether it is a children party or adult celebration you will find it here.

Children of all ages love a party - especially their own! Birthday parties are, of course, the most popular but there are plenty of other occasions for a party - Christmas, Guy Fawkes Night, Halloween or just a picnic outing to break up the long summer holiday.


Lunch boxes

We have various menus to suit everyone's taste or budget. Any menu can be rearranged to suit you. We will be pleased to quote for any specific food requirements or special diets.



Buffet Fantastico* 14a Menvers street * Bath * GB * 07980-108216